Tuesday, July 7, 2015

21- Day Consecration: Obedience to God (Day 15)

Listening is key in Obedience!

I was sitting in a quiet place waiting to hear from God. When the word "Listen" came to me. Which made me write it down. Then I began to think what is the difference between hearing and listening. Just so you know the difference is huge. 

When a person says I hear you, they are saying that I hear your voice. I hear the vibrations of your voice and I know that you believe what you are saying deserves my attention. Hearing means I may or may not be giving you my undivided attention. Hearing means that I may be formulating what it is I want to say back to you. Hearing means you have been heard but not truly acknowledged.

Now when someone says, I'm listening to you, well they are not just hearing your voice but they have decided to really hear. They hear you with their eyes. They notice facial expressions, breathing patterns, body language and the tones in your voice. How it fluctuates up and down, how it trembles. They sense your excitement, sadness, anger and etc... they can identify with each word and their attention is focused on what you are saying and if necessary they can repeat it word for word with the same intensity. They have listened to you. 

Now some would say the opposite is true, Listen is surface and hearing is a more deeper experience. But as the Lord spoke to me. I listened. 

When God finished speaking, I found myself still focusing on what He had said to me. I could not respond I had to let his words sink in. It was not a rebuke or something very profound. His words were healing me, restoring me and causing my mind to be renewed. His word were life to me and I did not want to lose their meaning in my own words and voice. 

The journey continues...

You are Bound No More. 

Pastor Linda Hillman 
(c) 2015 LAH Ministries International 

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