Many times I think, that we as people, in general, make things much harder than they need to be. We see a problem and instead of finding the right solution we will fill it with the first thing we see. We don't take into consideration that it really does not solve the problem.
Just take a look at your life, have you tried to solve a problem and found out that you only made matters worst. There is an old saying. "If something is worth doing, then it's worth doing it right the first time". However, we don't truly apply this to our lives. We look for the shortcuts to fame, riches and happiness. When these "solutions" fade we are off to the next bright shining object and hoping this will be the one that ends our journey.
So, today, I woke up determined to stop the madness and do something about this cat and mouse chase I have been on. I have decided to live my life to the fullest and let no one or thing stop me, including myself. Now that means change will have to take place. A change in my thoughts, behaviors and those I let influence my life. But I am worth it, right? I mean really you have to know that you are worth finding the real solutions to the problems in your life. You have to know that living frustrated and unfulfilled is not how it was intended to be for you. Come on, you do know that right?
I guess I thought I would write this blog, because I can't be the only one wanting to make a change. NO a transformation in life. The great things about it is by making up my mind to do something about it, I have won half the battle already. So, remember I said many of us make things much harder than they need to be? Well, here's how you change that right now. Stop over thinking stuff. IF you want to lose weight, stop talking yourself out of walking up the stairs on your way to the office. If you want to meet new people, stop hiding in your house. These simple things will cause a change reaction. No they may not be comfortable or even welcomed at first but you start to embrace them.
So make up your mind to be different. Do something that will start you on the path to solving your problems and helping you to feel good abut your future. I dare you! I know that is what I am working on. It's not being selfish, but it's understanding that I can't help others until I allow myself to be helped.
What I am learning is that once you allow yourself to really look at your situation, the problems, and circumstances... you begin to see clearly. It's your thoughts that must change. Your perception and how you process what is going on. then when you see the solution, not to over think it but act on it.
Obedience is more than just hearing and listening, but it requires action. So again, I dare you to join me in living a better life and be more proactive. Ready, Set, Let's Go!
You are Bound No More.
Pastor Linda Hillman
(c) 2015 LAH Ministries International
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