Thursday, July 17, 2014

What If... What If... What If... This is a 7 part series - Part 7

What If? What If? Have you ever dealt with the what if questions of life? Entertaining the what ifs in your life is the first step to being overtaken with worry. Worry is taking responsibility for things you were never intended to handle. So it is only befitting that the last part of this series I deal with worry.

Worry is a lack of trust in the Creator of the universe. Worry says that you can handle it when many times you simply  cannot. If you could have control the situation, wouldn't you have done it already? Wouldn't you have had a different outcome? Would you be worrying over the situation. You see the very nature of worrying proves that you are in over your head.

So now you may be worried that you worry too much. You may feel defeated and without hope. Worry may have you depressed and now you are worried about it. Well I have great news for you. You can beat worry at it own game.

You defeat worry by redirecting your concerns to Someone who can actually do something about your situation. In this case to Someone who can actually take away the pain of your past hurts, habits and hang ups. It does not mean that you do not take responsibility for the things you are supposed to handle; it just means that you know when to stop and let God begin.

Read Proverbs 12:25 to understand how to do just that.

I hope you enjoyed this series. Look for more to come.

You are Bound No More.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Healing The Hurts

  • Emotional Abuse
  • Christian wounds
  • Hurt in the church
  • Domestic Violence
  • Harboring negative feelings
  • Holding grudges. It hurts ourselves more than others

Someone once said that holding a grudge is like drinking poison and hoping that it will hurt the other person. But yet many of us do it and cant see that we are really killing ourselves.

You can choose to hurt or Heal
You can choose your happiness or sadness in life. One way to do this when you choose whether to continue to nurse a hurt you have received in life, or to heal yourself and you relationship with the person that hurt you.

In reaction to our emotional hurts we often erect protective structures to avoid dealing with them or allowing anyone to touch them. Over time these structures become comfortable. Before we cna heal the hurt, these structures must be acknowledged and dealt with. this will often mean honestly facing our pain and anger and resentment choosing to forgive, YES forgive those who have wounded us instead of resenting them, and determining to risk opening our hearts to others again. It also generally involves a slow and difficult process not a quick fix. Like peeling an onion, it usually happens one tearful layer at a time.

A wounded heart occurs when someone or something brings hurt to your emotions. "The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they fo down into the innermost parts of the belly." Proverbs 26:22.

Sources of Hurts
  1. Result of Offense brought to us from others People say things or do things to hurt us. Prov 18:8
  2. Result from our won sinful behavior. Not all hurts come from without. sometimes they can be the enemy within. Prov 17:19, Psalms 25:18 II Sam 24:10
  3. Result from a calamity where one is overcome by the experience. Job 3:25-26
  4. Result from the sins of forefathers (ancestors) Exodus 34:6-7
  5. Result from drug and alcohol use. Proverbs 23:29-35
  6. results from occult involvement Leviticus 20:6

God's Provision
  1. God cares about your broken heart. Ps 34:18, 51:17
  2. God healed David's heart and He will also heal yours. Ps 147:3, Heb 13:8
  3. Jesus was sent to heal the broken hearted. Luke 4:18
  4. Jesus, Himself, suffered all the hurts that one could suffer. Isa 53:1-12, John 1:11. Luke 22:57, 23:35-37, Matthew 27:46
  5. Through the suffering of Jesus, God has provided the healing for your hurts. Isa 53:5
  6. It is God's desire to heal your hurts. I Peter 5:7
  7. God must have control of your whole heart before He can heal it. Jeremiah 29:13, Rev 3:20
Steps of Preparation

  1. You must give your heart to Jesus letting Him become your lord. Roman 10:9, Phil 2:9-10
  2. If you have offended someone else, then you must confess your offense and ask them to forgive you. Matthew 5:23-24, I Peter 3:16
  3. You must forgive (RELEASE) the person who has hurt you. Matt 6:12, 14-15
  4. You must put their judgement into God's hands and then ask God to forgive them for their offense toward you. Luke 23:24, Acts 7:60
  5. You must yield your rights to God (possessions, respect, honor, family, expectations). Matt 19:21, I Peter 5:5-6, Luke 18:20, Mark 8:34-37, Psa 119:165
WARNING: A wounded heat that does not receive healing is an open door for evil spirits. Esp 4:26-27, I Peter 5:8, Genesis 4:4-7, Matt 18:21-35

How to Receive Healing
  1. Make a list of your hurts (begin with the greatest list)
  2. Ask God to cleanse your heart of all wrong attitudes (anger, bitterness, resentment, unforgiveness, lust, hate, revenge). Isa 1:18, 51:10, I John 1:9
  3. Picture your experience ob being hurt in your mind
  4. Now picture Jesus suffering the same hurt for you and overcoming it by his own death and resurrection. I Peter 2:24
  5. Next picture in your mind the resurrected Jesus offering healing to you. Luke 4:18-19
  6. In faith ASK God to heal your heart in the name of Jesus. Ezekiel 36:26, John 16:23.
As God heals your hurts, He will also give you a tender heart that will be sensitive to the hurts of others. Ezekiel 36:26, II Cor 5:18, Mark 5:19

Remember: God can change that which was meant for evil into good. Genesis 50:20, Duet 23:5 Romans 8:28, I Peter 5:8-10 and II Cor 1:6

You are Bound No More. 

Pastor Linda Hillman 
(c) 2011 Living Above Hurt Ministries
(209) 565-4055

Monday, July 14, 2014

Don't Look Back This is a 7 part series - Part 6

Imagine this.

The smoke is billowing out the windows, the embers are raining down, and your lungs are on fire with the fullness of hot air. Your home burned down to the ground around you. You’ve escaped, but barely. You managed to get out alive, and not only that, your family is safe, too.
What exquisite mercy. You were scooped up out of the most dire circumstances and protected. You were saved. But, your pictures, your memories, your things. They are all still inside that blaze. You know you ought to be thankful you got out with your life. Yet, so much of your story is in those four walls, with those things.
You would never go back in, right? Not into a burning building, certainly. But, what if you stole just a quick glance? Here is a warning from Jesus about quick glances back to hopeless situations, “Remember Lot’s wife.” (Luke 17:32)
Who was Lot’s wife?
In Genesis 19, we learn about Sodom. We are told that a pair of immoral cities (Sodom and Gomorrah) are set to be destroyed because of their utter wickedness. A man named Lot, his two daughters, and his wife will be spared. They are able to quickly gather themselves and flee their home with two angels by their side. The angels make it clear that Lot’s family must hurry and that they are being spared a certain death.
“And as they brought them out, one (angel) said, ‘Escape for your life. Do not look back or stop anywhere in the valley. Escape to the hills, lest you be swept away.” (Genesis 19:17).
In a moment of either worldliness or humanness, Lot’s wife quickly steals a disobedient glance back at her homeland. We’re not sure if she was contemplating returning to her sinful past or if she was simply longing for her home, but what we do know is that she wasn’t putting faith in what she’d been told. She’d been told by two angels of the Lord that she’d been spared, and therefore must leave and not look back.
Because of that quick act of disobedience and distrust, she’s turned into a pillar of salt.
Such instant punishment for such a seemingly small abuse. But, she’d already been pardoned once. How often do we want to return to the mire of our sin, even though we’ve already been saved? How often do we doubt the goodness of God and His promises? How often do we want to do it our own way, certain that we know what is good for us?
After warning us to remember Lot’s wife, Jesus goes on to say, “Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it.”
I cannot add a breath to my own life. I’m utterly incapable of sustaining myself. What I know is this: As a follower of Christ, I have been spared and been given a great mercy. So, in an act that sometimes feels like the death of me, I must believe in His goodness, and that what He's saved me for is so much greater than what He's saved me from.
You are Bound No More. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Leah: From Unloved to Beloved

What woman hasn’t felt like Leah at least one day in her life?
Who hasn’t had the best friend that became homecoming queen? Who hasn’t sighed when she looked in the mirror, desperately trying to camouflage her flaws? Who hasn’t had that moment, perhaps after hanging the eighth bridesmaid’s dress in her closet, that the only way she could possibly get a man to marry her would be if he were tricked?
Rachel, Leah’s sister, was the head-turner of the sisters—Rachel’s name meaning “ewe” and Leah’s, the far less complimentary “cow.” Rachel was the one whom Jacob merely had to lay eyes on and he didn’t care how long it took—he had to make Rachel his wife. Leah, whether by guise of night or veil, then gets thrown into the bride role at the last minute, in her father’s hope that he could marry her off. Somehow.
Jacob rejects Leah.
The Lord, in his infinite wisdom, saw behind Leah’s tender eyes and discerned her heart.Leah may not have been “lovely in form,” but she was exactly what God was looking for through whom to establish the house of David and the lineage of Christ.
Leah recognized her children as blessings directly from the Lord, and despite the pain of rejection and her unquenchable desire to be loved by her husband, she praised Him. (Genesis 29:35)
We’ve all been Leah, with the desire to be loved. We’ve all had to swallow the realization that, not only will other people fall short of our expectations, but we’ll fall short of theirs. We’ve all had to make the decision that even if we don’t get our storybook ending and we don’t get to be the beautiful princess adored by the prince, God is still so, so good and we will praise Him.
We may not ever be homecoming queen. What physically greets us in the mirror each day may not be what others define as “beautiful.” We may not ever get married or experience the type of romantic love we’ve dreamed of (or been told to dream of) since we were little girls.
But I promise you this, ladies—in God’s eyes, we’re all stunning beauties. He wants us to forget what the world thinks is beautiful and remember the beauty He created in each of us. He wants us to desire His admiring glances above anyone else’s.
The truth is, we may never get our prince, but we all get our Prince. Yes, even us Leahs.
You are Bound No More.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Spiritual Health: Meditating on God’s Word This is a 7 part series - Part 5

Studying scripture is fundamental to our spiritual health. The Bible is God’s Word and His instructions to us. The Holy Spirit illuminates scripture for us. In scripture, we are taught about God’s character and reminded of God’s faithfulness in the past. We are instructed on how to live holy lives of love, and we are convicted of our shortcomings.
I have personally struggled with consistent Bible study. My life seems to get too busy, and I honestly sometimes just blow it off because I’m running around “doing things for God.” And during the seasons when I am lazy and neglect time in God’s Word, I realize how simple it is to justify sin in my life. I lose focus on truth.
During the times when we faithfully meditate on God’s Word, it’s amazing how scripture overflows from our minds and is applied constantly throughout our day.
We’re always meditating on something, whether it is scripture, a blog, or a conversation we’re mulling over. The key is to shift our focus to scripture and truth as we go about our day. Try keeping God’s Word on your mind for a day and watch how your perspective changes.
What are three scriptures you can meditate on today, or this week? What do you expect God to do when you turn your focus to Him during your day?

You are Bound No More.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Relational Health: Being Peacemakers - This is a 7-part series Part 4

Stress and burnout can cause us to project our pain and exhaustion on others — usually those closest to us. Some people respond to burnout by lashing out in anger and storming around in a rage as their lives are falling apart.
Exhaustion can cause us to shut down and stop communicating with our spouse or our friends. And by “communicating,” I mean both talking and listening. We no longer feel connected to those around us, and we begin not to care about nurturing those relationships that God has placed in our lives.
After not communicating for a while, resentment can develop. Our spouses or friends may not feel comfortable opening up to us anymore, and bitterness can be formed and directed toward us, toward the church, and even toward God.
In Matthew 5:9, Jesus directs us to be “peacemakers.” It will take effort and intentionality on our part to bring balance back into our relationships. We are to make peace and strive for unity.
Have you cut off communication with people because you’re feeling burned out? Write down their names and a trait you admire about each one of them. Then write down a date you will contact them, making amends if necessary.
You are Bound No More. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Know for Sure - This is a 7 Part Series - Part 3

What do we know is certain? We all have a deep desire for certainty. People search in different areas of life just to find out something for sure. As you look at God’s design for our lives, true certainty comes from only one thing. In Hebrews 11:1, the Bible defines faith as being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Isn’t it amazing that the one thing God told us we can be certain of, an eternal life through Christ, is something we can’t physically hear, see, or touch?
What we do have is a promise in His Word. Authentic believers live this life certain of one thing: we can overcome this world through Christ believing that our eternity comes from knowing Him.
Today’s Challenge: Today you can declare to devote your life to the truth. Though we cannot truly predict what the next hour will bring, we know the One who holds the future. His name is Jesus Christ. The more we trust that, the more it will be evident in everything we do. When it's true in our hearts, our actions can't help but to begin to follow. Jesus tells us the greatest commandments are to love God and to love others (Matthew 12:29-31). From this day forward, declare to live your life with these commandments at the top of the list as you become the authentic follower of Christ.
Leadership Thought: “Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.
You are Bound No More.