Thursday, January 22, 2015

Residue Part 2 - Who We are After Becoming New!

So in my last post I talked about residue and why it is important that we acknowledge it's existence and we actively work to become new and remove all residue from our lives. Residue is a contaminate and thus we need to make sure that it does not effect everything else that we do or become.

Well let's take a closer look at how we should get rid of it.

I Peter 2:9 – “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light:”

Most of us never think twice about this passage and the demands that it places on us. We just quickly and glibly pass over it with thoughts of white clerical collars or Praise & Worship songs roll over in our head, but no real consideration that these titles place on us very specific responsibilities. Responsibilities that can not he done with residue in us.

I want us to journey back into the Old Testament and examine the daily jobs or duties of the priesthood, those that were set  apart for God, because I think they still translate and speak to us today. I want us to remember that there an be no residue in us if we want to operate correctly. We have ministry that we are required to do on a daily basis as priest of the Kingdom! 
  1. The first duty that the priest was responsible for was to diagnose sicknessTheir job was to examine the folks around them and be aware and sensitive enough to see sickness for what it was. They were to determine how severe the sickness was. They were to prescribe remedy for the sickness. They were to act as physician to the sick. God’s go between. God’s means of brining diagnosis and healing. And didn’t Jesus reiterate that for his followers and for us? 
  1. The second duty of the priest was to transport glory! The assignment of carrying the Ark of the Covenant which was the place of the manifest presence of God fell to the priests. 
I would declare to you today that the reason we are inept at transporting glory because we are inept at living holy! we are inept at living holy because we carry in our heart the residue of what we have been through. The priests that were called to transport glory had to be holy. They had to live pure. They had to be consecrated and set apart. It wasn't enough to just hang out in the glory, worship in the glory, they had to apply the glory to their lives.

In my next post we will take this a bit further and will talk about each of the two steps separately and in depth so we can start to remove the residue and Live as God intended us to live. 

You are Bound No More. 

Pastor Linda Hillman 
(c) 2014 Living Above Hurt Ministries

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