Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Stop Doubting God!

I think the biggest misconception in prayer is the confidence. You would think that an appropriate attitude for needy, often foolish, often backsliding Christians when they approach the throne would be abject humility. You would think that we would offer up our requests timidly, not daring to think that the Great One would think our little problems as worth his time. You would think that we would tiptoe around him, walking on eggshells of fear, murmuring our needs quickly, and then backing away toward the door.

Nonsense, says the Apostle James. You are God’s beloved child, a royal prince or princess of heaven, a royal priest of the heavenly temple. God wants you to believe in the importance of your requests and believe him when he says he eagerly receives information about the parts of your life in which you need help. “When he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does” (James 1:6-8).

Doubt comes from Satan. If he can plant doubts in your brain and lead you to suspect that God is laughing at you, has contempt for you, is ignoring you, or is blowing off your troubles, your prayer voice will be timid indeed and soon stop. But believe his Word! Claim your new identity! Speak up! No fear! No doubts! He smiles when he sees you approach.

You are Bound No More. 

Pastor Linda Hillman 
(c) 2014 Living Above Hurt Ministries 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Stop Having A Fit

Many times we have triggers inside of us but why are they there. What was the original hurt? Was it real or perceived? What was left unlearned because we chose not to deal with it? So everything else is weighed against it and never in balance because there is really no way of recalibrating the scale. The truth is it was never calibrated right in the first place. There has to be a point where you destroy the root of the problem. You must confront the very thing that initiates your spiral into the pit of anger. That leaves you in a fit of rage, anger and confusion. You must be willing to expose the whole truth and nothing but the truth to allow the lessons to be learned and more importantly lived.

Life is not going to hand you a solution to all your problems; however every solution you need is racing to get to you. The real problem is our ability to see past the problem. When we start to remove the layers of film on our eyes we will be able to see a true reflection of what occurred and how to fix the situation.

We throw fits because we are not willing to hear, trust and learn. We are so busy wanting it right now that we miss the eternal applications that will keep our hearts and minds in perfect peace.

We blame God, others, loss of jobs, houses, cars, mates and what have you so we don’t look at the real problem. It is simple…the “me” problem; the understanding that I am my worst enemy. It’s because of how I interpret things that have occurred that I am in this situation. It’s me not anyone else. Sure they hurt you, they lied, they talked about you, they left you, they cheated…and that almost killed you –mentally, emotionally, socially, financially and spiritually. Yes they did all that. However, no one has power over your decisions but you. And you have to give that power away. It is your fault not theirs. I know that reality hurts, OUCH! It hurt me to say it and I am sure it hurts to read it. So now that the band aid is off let’s fix the problem instead of having a fit.

It starts with you taking the power back and putting ownership where it belongs. Do this for me, take a minute to stand in front of the nearest mirror and say, “Today I will no longer pass the buck. The buck stops here. My worst enemy has become my best friend.” Then smile as big as you can. The next thing you are going to do as a project is simply get dressed up. I mean go all out and dress for success and take a picture.  For the moment you are taking the picture nothing else matters. Think of a time you felt totally free from anger, worry, frustration, strife and hatred… YES that moment. Bask in that moment and smile for the camera. Take a few shots with different poses even do an outfit change, if you like. Make it a real photo shoot opportunity. Now every time you see those pictures I want you to think this is my best friend. 

Nope, not finished yet, remember we are fixing the problem not just placing another band aid on it. Now it’s time to get serious about your healing. Get a Journal. You don’t journal superficial things like what you ate today or what the events of the day were. No, this journal is to take a long good look at you. Therefore journal how you feel, journal your heart, journal your thoughts, journal your raw emotions and let it flow. Today you may feel like pulling your hair out because of what John said reminded you of your past relationship with Steve, journal it. Tomorrow you can be on top of the world because you realized that you just got that promotion you been wanting, Journal it. You had a breakthrough during early Morning prayer, journal it.

When you journal, you start to see that problems become clearer. Just as amazing, is the solution will leap at you from the pages of your journal. You will start to see patterns. Your answers to many of the questions that you have will be hidden in the midst of the text. With each dilemma there is a lesson to be learned, every storm has a warning of dark clouds but it’s always followed by sunshine and a rainbow. Dancing is a great distraction as well as a happy feeling. Laughing is the best medicine for the heart that is broken. 

Journals will save your life – well, at least help it make sense in the here and now. Now that you are thinking about it, start a journal today. Don’t just write in the journal but take a few minutes to read and reflect on what was written. See what treasurers are inside of you. Treasures you never knew where there because you were too busy having a fit.

You are Bound No More. 

Pastor Linda Hillman 
(c) 2014 Living Above Hurt Ministries

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Get Your Copy Today! In The MeanTime: When Waiting Is Key!

In today’s microwave society, we want everything in an instant.  And we want it now.  Between instant gratification and a sense of entitlement, we often forget that GOD is GOD and HIS will be done.  We can’t lag behind HIM and we surely can’t jump ahead of HIM.  Linda A. Hillman’s new book, IN THE MEANTIME, addresses this very subject—waiting upon GOD.

Through vignettes of the Prophet Elijah’s life, Linda reveals GOD’s plan for waiting upon HIM.  This concise but rich study provides insight into the character of GOD and how HE takes us through steps of preparation, motivation and confirmation in getting us through our seasons of waiting.  The beauty and truth of Linda’s message is that you can have the same glorious breakthrough as Elijah had.  Get copy of IN THE MEANTIME and get set-up for your own blessing!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Get your Copy Now! Will You Be Made Whole!


Through the scripture and the story of the woman with an issue of blood, Linda Hillman moves past the obvious, more common meaning of the text to a revelatory truth:  GOD would not have us live unbalanced and incomplete lives.  In her book WILL YOU BE MADE WHOLE, Linda reveals just how crucial balance in every area of your life.  Through scripture, practical principles and faith, Linda shows the reader how to get back on track when life derails.  In Pastor Hillman’s own words—“The one thing I have discovered in my life is that the pains I have had to endure were not to take me out of the game but to polish me for the end result.”  Get your copy today and be made whole!

Available now at your favorite Online retailer!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Tribute to Dr. Myles Munroe

Dr Myles Munroe was a man that I admired and desired to meet one day. Gone to soon is what I can say about him. Not only did he change how I viewed purpose and prayer. He helped me to define how prayer would play out in my ministry and life.
“People generally fall into one of three groups: the few who make things happen, the many who watch things happen, and the overwhelming majority who have no notion of what happens. Every person is either a creator of fact or a creature of circumstance. He either puts color into his environment, or, like a chameleon, takes color from his environment.” ― Myles MunroeUnderstanding Your Potential
“When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable” ― Myles MunroeUnderstanding the Purpose and Power of Woman
“You must decide if you are going to rob the world or bless it with the rich, valuable, potent, untapped resources locked away within you.” ― Myles MunroeUnderstanding Your Potential 
These are just a few of his quotes that spoke to me and helped me to want to be a better woman, minister and overall person. there are not many times that we can be touched emotionally, spiritually and intellectually by someone we have never met but when it occurs, it is something special. Dr. Munroe did many things intentionally, one of which was to build up the people of god and make leaders become more accountable for our actions and lives.

I want to say he challenged us all to be more like Christ and to under the unity of the Body. He was an unselfish leader that taught the masses to be cherish the gift on the inside of them but to understand the bigger picture and share their gifts with the world as it pertained to their purpose.

I pray that in the time that I have had to gleam from this man of God through his sermons, teachings, books and articles of interviews that I will be able to pass on to the next generation a legacy as rich as the one he passed on to me.

I'll see you on the other side Dr. Munroe! We will meet in Heaven and I will tell you how your life inspired my own! RIP til we meet.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Update In Dates of Turning Your Past Into Purpose Women's Retreat Cruise 2016

NEW DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

February 20, 2016 - February 25, 2016

Due to an unforeseen circumstance with Carnival, they asked us if we would be willing to move our cruise date back to February 20 - 25, 2016. We graciously agreed as we know God is going to move on this cruise like never before and we are going ahead with His plan. Mark your calendars with the new dates. The itinerary remains exactly the same. We look forward to seeing you there.

Friday, November 14, 2014

A Word from The LORD

I hear the word of the LORD saying Consecrate yourself and dedicate yourself to his vision for your life over the last few weeks in 2014. There are some things God wants to remove from you and some others he will pour into you. The consecration will allow your temple to be cleansed and made Holy to handle and house His Spirit. Your prayers will be heard and answers will come quickly. He is about to clean house and those that do not consecrate and rededicate themselves to Him and his purpose will be removed and all will see your disgrace.

He that hath an ear let him hear what The Spirit is saying to the Church!

You are Bound No More. 

Pastor Linda Hillman 
(c) 2014 Living Above Hurt Ministries 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Don't Forget to Turn Your Clocks Back!

Fall Back is here!!!

GREAT News!!!!

Our next Live Bible Study in San Francisco will be November 19th @ 6:30 PM PST

We will also start to have Bible Study VIA conference Call at 6:30 PM PST every Wednesday evening! 

Call (605) 562-3140 Access Code 987737#

Now you don't have to miss Bible Study at all!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Guest Blogger: At the Altar by Dr. Ephraim John Udofia

The altar usually may be a place of sacrifice to spiritual entities. To a Christian an altar may be a place of brokenness, submission and thanksgiving. The important part in the Christian religion is the building of an altar. this might be during a designated house of worship or a deserved place put aside specifically to hunt the living God. it is not the physical components of the altar that matters a lot of to the Lord however the state of our hearts. the essential activities at the altar reveal an individual spiritual standing with God.

An altar may be a very essential holy place during a person's life and warrants regular visit to attach with the Holy God in heaven. In our society these days the word altar may be a taboo, however movie theaters, strip centers, beer joints and sport arenas gain a lot of prominence. people run with passion and generally with the angle of worship to these places while ignoring the $64000 altars where lasting transformation occurs.

Abraham in the previous Testament is the prime example of a person who designed altars regularly whenever God looked as if it would him or blessed him. His angle won him the label of being known as, "the friend of God". At the altar where ever that may be that you've set apart as holy to hunt the Lord, you will find peace in troubled times.

In churches, several Christians have forsaken the altar, may be they need not been taught on the facility of transformation that may take place. Altar has continually been a vital phenomenon in the lives of godly people throughout the pages of the Holy Bible and history. The church altar is the focus purpose of spiritual services. Divers miracles have been recorded from people who stepped forward from the pew to the altar.

If you've no altar for seeking God, build one these days, not essentially a cloth construction however an area that you deemed holy to supply prayers to the Lord.

Hindrances to approaching the Altar:

• Pride- stemming from wealth, power, education, position etc...
• Lack of knowledge of the divine acts of God.
• Sinful lifestyle with no want to alter
• Not being thankful and being self-centered

Any home without a family altar is destitute of God's presence. An altar may be a constant reminder of God's presence in our homes. At the altar burdens are lifted and yokes are destroyed. The altar should be the center of a true believer's life.

• Abraham designed altars to God
• Noah designed an altar unto the Lord. See Genesis 8:20
• Moses designed an altar and known as on the Lord. See Exodus 12:15
• Jacob wrestled with the Lord during a make-shift altar and prevailed.

They all learned that at the altar, the Lord will meet them. We read, "The sacrifices of God are broken spirit: a broken and contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise" (Psalms 51: seventeen, KJV). If you humble yourself and build an altar, God will send the rain of his presence.

Since the Lord is gift everywhere, you'll be able to build an altar to hunt him as your need arises. you don't essentially have to be compelled to find a church to run to at that moment.

At the altar is refreshing, an area of new strength, deliverance and all you want. It's there at the altar by religion in the name of Jesus.

Dr. Ephraim John Udofia is the founder and Presiding Bishop of Living religion Apostolic Ministries. International Mission-intensive ministry, both in foreign and residential missions with currently over six churches in 3 countries. Dr.Udofia is the author of over seven life-changing books. he is passionately involved in church planting, crusades, conferences and ministers' coaching since the seventies. Dr.Udofia holds a Bsc. in Management, minor in accounting, an MBA, and Doctorate in Ministry (Dmin) with major in Missions. he is a former CEO of Precious Jewels Inc. for 19 years. additionally a former banker and security representative holding both State and Federal licences. A money counselor, motivational speaker, mentor, marriage counsellor and an excellent dedicated family man. he is happily married with 5 grown youngsters.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Guest Blogger: What's In a Name? by DCPI

And he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon son of John. You will be called ‘Cephas’ (which, when translated, is Peter).” ~ John 1:42 
READING: John 1:35-42 
What’s in a name? Just ask Peter. He was impulsive and unstable. He was prone to make promises he couldn’t keep and he even denied Jesus three times in one night. Peter was anything but the rock that Jesus dubbed him. Yet Jesus saw him as more than what he was at that moment. He saw what he could become. 
When Jesus sees us, He sees more, more than we are right now. He sees us through a future lens that highlights our high potential, all we can be, our fullness as made in the image of God, the product of the Spirit’s transforming presence. Jesus sees us with God’s Kingdom eyes, and that means accepting us with love and a rich inheritance, and yet transforming us to be more than we presently are.
Jesus sees us through the lens of His transforming grace, His commitment to mold us into His image. There is “more than we are” in each of us – more love, more stability, more maturity, more holiness, more resilience and more joy. Just ask Him. He walks with us today, always bearing in His mind the image of what He will make of us. 
What new name might Jesus be in the process of giving you? The stable one? Mr. Patient? Mr. Cheerful? Faithful? Warrior? The Servant Leader? Nothing is too hard for our God and no personality so fractured that He cannot heal and renew it. 
Lord, You love me just as I am, but too much to leave me that way. You see me as so much more. Continue to remake me to be more than I am. Amen. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Join Us for our first Women of Worth Retreat Cruise 2016

Dates: February 15 - 20, 2016

Theme: Women of Worth Presents Turning Your Past Into Purpose Cruise Retreat 2016

This retreat is focused on helping women discover that they can hear from God and strengthen their walk with Him as they learn to build an intimate relationship with Him through focus and prayer. They will embrace how God can use all things to His glory, and that He has the power to turn our past into our purpose when we are willing to step out of our comfort zones and into a life of faith and dependence on Him. They will leave with a greater understanding of how we truly are a new creation in Christ.

Theme Scripture: Isaiah 43:19 (KJV)
"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall sp
ring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."

Following, please find cabin starting prices by category, which includes taxes and port charges and registration for Retreat:

Interior - $531.60 pp
Ocean View - $601.60 pp
Balcony - $721.60 pp

*Please note cabin prices are per person based on double occupancy. Gratuities are currently $12.00 per person per day, which totals $60.00 per person (each individual can be responsible for paying aboard ship)

The required deposit is $25 per person due by November 5, 2014.

The itinerary is as follows:

Monday – 2/15/16 Miami, FL 4:00 PM We are asking all attendees to be on the ship no later than 1PM. this way you have time to relax and get settled before the ship leaves the dock.

Tuesday – 2/16/16 Fun Day at Sea 
This will be day one of Retreat. (read below for more info on what you can expect) 

Wednesday – 2/17/16 Grand Cayman, Cayman Island 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (Shopping and sightseeing and we are planning an ministry event with a local church for an hour) there will be no retreat activities on this date.

Thursday – 2/18/16 Ocho Rios, Jamaica 8:00 am - 3:00 pm (Shopping and sightseeing and we are planning an ministry event with a local church for an hour) there will be no retreat activities on this date. 

Friday – 2/19/16 Fun Day at Sea
This will be day one of Retreat. (read below for more info on what you can expect) 

Saturday - 2/20/16 Miami, FL 8:00 AM 

Retreat Itinerary (Subject to change)

2/15 (first sea day on ship)
Registration Check In 6PM 2/15 - 9:45 AM 2/16
Meet and Greet 7PM - 
Games and prizes also revealing those that won in prior contest.

First day of Cruise (Monday):
Meet and Greet
--Announcements of winners of Contest
Games and Prizes

Day 1 of Retreat

9:00 AM General Assembly 

10:45 AM Session #1
11:30 AM Session #2
1:00 PM Session #3

Evening Service 7:30PM

Day 2 of Retreat

10:00 AM Session #4
10:45 AM Session #5

1:00 PM Special Session with Apostle Jackson for Clergy Woman Only

Evening Service 7:30PM

Keynote Speakers:
Prophetess/Pastor Latonya Powers

Evangelist Rein Johnson Transformed
Prophetess Kelly Crews

This cruise is open to the whole family due to the nature of the destination. We are keeping in ind that you may want to spend time with your family so we are making the schedule to accommodate this for you. Your Husbands and children are welcome to come to the evening services. we are not providing child care however, Carnival fun ships normally have a kids zone. 

For more information on the Cruise please contact Wanda Forden, our travel agent.

Registration Link - http://jotform.us/form/42570920943153

For Questions regarding the cruise: Please contact Wanda at (877) 394-9956

For more information about the retreat please contact the Women of Worth Retreat Team. Your can email us at womenofworthretreat@gmail.com

In His Image

Women of Worth Retreat Team

Pastor Linda ElectLady Hillman
Sis. Sophia L Stevenson
Sis. Kathy Ferguson Johnson
Sis. Melissa Ferguson Russell
Pastor Sheree' Baisden-Nickelberry
Sis. Shawan Dunaway Davis

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Deal With Your Hurt Before It Deals With You

Although Samson seemed to be real with God, we can deduce that perhaps Samson wasn’t real with God about everything.
Was Samson still hurting from his betrayal and heartbreak, after his Philistine wife was given to his Best Man and then killed by her people? Did he fail to deal with this hurt which led him to find temporary solace with a prostitute and with Delilah? Many Bible commentaries are quick to brand Delilah as this manipulative woman which she was, but ‘it’s not every day blame the woman, sometimes let the man take responsibility for HIS actions’, read the story with fresh eyes.
Oftentimes, like Samson, we fail to deal with our pain and pride, which clouds our discernment, causing us to make unfavourable decisions. Surely, Samson would have understood Delilah’s schemes after the third time, but His pride got in the way of sound judgement. He allowed himself to be swayed by flattery and he told Delilah those things to prove his strength and massage His ego.
We would have thought that Samson would have learnt to be careful when it comes to sharing intimate information and this time it was information concerning his Nazarite (belonging to God from birth through an oath) status. Samson trusted his fate to a woman who didn’t believe in the things that he did and in the end it cost him His life.
Who do you trust? Do they share your beliefs and morals?
Is there a hurt that you’re holding on to right now? Take it to God, deal with it, so that it doesn’t become a liability in your life.
Have you ever allowed yourself to be deceived by flattery? Do you always feel like you have to prove yourself?
Don’t allow anyone - no matter how persuasive or attractive - talk you into doing wrong. Avoid being deceived by knowing the difference between deception and truth.
When bankers study cash notes, they don’t study the counterfeits. They diligently study the REAL notes, so that when a counterfeit comes, they can quickly identify and void it. In the same way, as believers, we must study God’s word so much, so that when something contrary God’s word is presented to us, we can quickly identify it and avoid being deceived.

Monday, October 6, 2014

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

It’s not always easy to tell at the beginning of a relationship if it will become abusive. In fact, many abusive partners may seem absolutely perfect in the early stages of a relationship. Possessive and controlling behaviors don’t always appear overnight, but rather emerge and intensify as the relationship grows.

Domestic violence doesn’t look the same in every relationship because every relationship is different. But one thing most abusive relationships have in common is that the abusive partner does many different kinds of things to have more power and control over their partners.

If you’re beginning to feel as if your partner or a loved one’s partner is becoming abusive, there are a few behaviors that you can look out for. Watch out for these red flags and if you’re experiencing one or more of them in your relationship, call the hotline to talk about what’s going on.
  • Telling you that you can never do anything right
  • Showing jealousy of your friends and time spent away
  • Keeping you or discouraging you from seeing friends or family members
  • Embarrassing or shaming you with put-downs
  • Controlling every penny spent in the household
  • Taking your money or refusing to give you money for expenses
  • Looking at you or acting in ways that scare you
  • Controlling who you see, where you go, or what you do
  • Preventing you from making your own decisions
  • Telling you that you are a bad parent or threatening to harm or take away your children
  • Preventing you from working or attending school
  • Destroying your property or threatening to hurt or kill your pets
  • Intimidating you with guns, knives or other weapons
  • Pressuring you to have sex when you don’t want to or do things sexually you’re not comfortable with
  • Pressuring you to use drugs or alcohol

** Someone reading this was slapped, punched, kicked, choked, and beaten last night. It can stop today. Contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline @ 1−800−799−7233 or TTY 1−800−787−3224

You are Bound No More.

Pastor Linda Hillman

Monday, September 29, 2014

Guest Blogger: Saying No Requires A Greater Yes!

Tony Blair, former British prime minister, once said, “The art of leadership is saying no, not yes. It is very easy to say yes.”

God has commanded us to live separate from the world’s values, and that means we have to learn how to say no. But let’s be honest: saying no to the world is not easy. The world system is seductive and alluring.

Here is the key to victory: saying no requires a higher yes. Saying yes to an intimate relationship with my heavenly Father, helps me to say no to anything that could damage that relationship.

Daniel serves as a great example of this truth. By chapter 6, Daniel was one of the top political leaders in the entire kingdom of Babylon. This caused jealousy among other political leaders, and they began to look for a way to discredit Daniel.

There was just one problem. They couldn’t dig up any dirt on Daniel. So these political adversaries devised a plot to bring him down. They knew the one thing Daniel wouldn’t compromise was his relationship with God.

They got the king to sign an edict that for thirty days people could only pray to the king. Interestingly, Daniel’s enemies were absolutely right: Daniel wasn’t about to compromise his cherished prayer times with his heavenly Father. When Daniel heard about the new law he went home and prayed with his window open towards Jerusalem. 

Daniel’s obedience to God meant disobedience to the king and landed him in the lions’ den. Even though he spent the entire night surrounded by lions, he was not harmed. At the first light of dawn, the king rushed to the lions’ den to see if, by some miracle, Daniel’s God had rescued him.

Notice Daniel’s words. He said, “My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions” (Daniel 6:21). Daniel didn’t say, “The great creator God has spared me.” No, his response is far more personal. “My God, the God I spend time with every day, has rescued me.” His deep communion with God led to deep conviction about God, which resulted in deep courage for God.


What distractions or temptations from the world keep you from a more intimate relationship with God?

Today’s Takeaway
Saying no to the world is connected to your desire to say yes to God.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

No More Drama! We Dont know What's Real These Days!

A teacher had a poster on her classroom door that read, "Save the drama for your llama." This poster was absolutely necessary because she worked in a middle school! But the truth is drama is not only for middle schoolers; it can be a part of anyone's life at any age. 

In the world we live in today, drama can make you rich and famous. Don't believe me look at Real housewives of ??? (you fill in the blank). It is almost like reality TV has taken over the world and we reward people for a life full of drama. We condone their lifestyles because it's entertaining. We overlook the bad habits and rude behavior because it something to watch and makes us feel better about our own lives. "We say things like my life is not that bad." 
We laugh at the drama we see on TV and even in regular TV shows, more and more is about how much drama can I put into an hour. I mean even one of my favorite shows is Scandal. Why because we all love to see a scandal unfold before our eyes. Each week it something else that makes me say "Oh my, what will happen next?" Now there is nothing wrong with watching Scandal unless God tells you not to. For the sake of making my point, we are addicted to drama. the worst it is the more we seems to gravitate to it. 

Drama tears us and others apart. Paul says in Galatians 5:15-16, “If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” (NIV) Just before this in verse 14 Paul reminds them of Jesus’ teaching from the Old Testament that everything is summed up in loving God and loving others. In other words, our responsibility is to love God and others instead of causing drama by talking about each other and engaging in other sins of the flesh.

How do we stop the drama? The first thing is to walk in the Spirit. We are lead by God in the way He has uniquely made us to love Him and others. When we do this, God takes away our desire or "need" to create drama by filling it with meaningful, life-giving tasks.


Our Father, help us to see the meaningful purpose that you have given us. May we not be drawn in by dramatic situations that cover up what is truly going on in our hearts. Let us see who we truly are and find joy in the purpose that You have given us. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

You are Bound No More.

Monday, September 22, 2014

No More Gossip! That Includes Me Too!

Too often what’s going on in the lives of others is more interesting to us than what’s going on in our own. It’s like driving by a car wreck; you know the point where you slow down, not necessarily for safety, but slow enough to see the wreck? Am I the only one who does that? Unfortunately, not only do we pay too much attention to the wrong things in others, we tend to talk about them as well.
The truth is, the words we use and spread have power. We can tear people down just as quick, if not quicker, than we can build them up. James 3:9 warns about gossip saying, “Ironically this same tongue can be both an instrument of blessing to our Lord and Father and a weapon that hurls curses upon others who are created in God’s own image.”
Have you not seen a preacher preach Heaven down and then turn around in a few hours and during "Fellowship" say mean things and talk about another preacher. This should not be so. Many use Prayer as a way to gossip too. They talk about situations of others under the banner of prayer but when it is all said and done more talking about others was done than prayer for the situations. then we wonder why so much trouble has found it's way into our own lives. 
How do we abandon gossip? Paul, in Ephesians 4:29 tells us, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (NIV) When we do this, the quality of our relationships and the joy we experience in life will certainly increase.
Our Father, let our words be positive and encouraging. Give us confidence in You so that we do not feel the need to put others down. May we understand that we can use our words to serve others and build them up that can have an eternal impact on their lives. In the Name of Jesus. Amen.

You are Bound No More. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Why The Holding Pattern

It is difficult to wait on God. I don't say this to get an amen. I say it because it is true. Sometimes I want to know Why? The saying good things come to those that wait bothers me most of the time. Here's my thoughts. ..If it is good for me then why do I have to wait. 

In this passage, I find it remarkable that Jesus takes all eleven of his disciples to Gethsemane but he tells 8 of them to "Sit here while I go there to pray" (Matthew 26:36 NIV). Meaning that they could not go any further than this point. However, I also find it interesting that Jesus choose a place for them to wait. Catch this, even in our waiting it is place in your life for a reason. It may seem as though you been left out of the fight but really even those on the bench are there for a purpose. It seems as though others are able to move and do while you are in an holding pattern and as much as you would like to do more...Jesus told you to sit here and wait.

Now I also find it interesting that none of the disciples complained about this assignment. None said why do I have to wait here. They just sat and waited. They had no clue what was going on and I'm sure they wanted to know but they sat there and wait. Not even, when Jesus took Peter, James and John to continue with him. No said a word. They just sat and waited. Peter, James and John saw his emotions change. They saw Jesus in a different light than the other eight. Yet he still assigned them to "Stay here and keep watch with me" (Matthew 26:38 NIV). While he still went a bit further. Yet again, these three although closer were made to wait. Again close to the action but still not in the game. More responsibility tan the others but still waiting, and now watching.

We in our society, see this as doing nothing. Our gifts and talents are being overlooked while others are seemingly getting to play and even play poorly at times. While we are being treated unfairly. Why the holding pattern? Why cant we get in the game. Why would God call us to ministry then when opportunities come tell us to sit there and wait or sit here and watch? It makes no logical sense. Wouldn't God want his best players in the game? Does he want me to use the gifts and talents he has given me for ministry? Why the holding pattern?
Now I getting to the part that was an AHA moment for me. Jesus told them to Sit and watch. then he went a bit further and feel to his face and pray "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me, yet not as I will, but as you will." (Matthew 26:39 NIV). So here we find Jesus himself in a holding pattern. He was in action but still had to wait. He had to wait for his betrayer to come with his enemy to take him to his cross. He was in a waiting pattern too. Do you see the pattern unfolding now. True ministry is a burden at different stages of our ministry we can only handle so much. So God in his knowledge and grace places holding patterns in our path.

The fact that Jesus was the one to lead them to the garden has significance. He did not tell them go to the garden and wait. He did not say go there and wait. He lead them there. He was with them. He assigned their waiting stations. and he gave them the instruction on what to do in their waiting. Sit there, Sit there and watch, then there was him lying on his face and praying while waiting.

We see here that Jesus found them sleeping three times. Twice he went back to see what his disciples were doing .The first time he added instructions. He said watch and pray. Now they were to sit, watch and pray. The second time he came back and said nothing. the third time he came back his wait was now over his betrayer was coming and it was time for the action to begin. However, Jesus was ready to let God get all the glory for his life. He would go to his cross and die so that we could gain salvation.

So now does this pertain to us and our holding pattern. Well, here's the thing: either you are sitting and waiting, sitting and watching or lying on your face praying...in any result you are waiting. there is going to come a time when you must get in the game but understand this God assigned you to your station so you can move until he says it's time. No matter what others are doing you must stay where you were assigned.

There has been times in my life when I questioned why the holding pattern. I can preach, teach and do what they are doing. I am anointed and appointed just like them. however God told to to sit here, while others went over there. Then things would happen and God would allow me to go a bit further but again I would be instructed to sit here and watch, while others went a bit further. I would noticed that there weren't as many sitting here as before but I was still anxious to get in the game.

Now I am at a point in life that I am asked to go a bit further. However, I am stilled asked to lay on my face before God and pray not my will but thine will be done. I understand now that the cross is the next step. A place where my flesh will die completely to Christ and I will arise with newness of life walking in His spirit. God will get the glory for my life. He will get the glory or the ministry I do. Paul said it this way, "I die daily." However, even Paul had to wait. Remember he waited on Ananias to come and remove the scales from his eyes.

Maybe that is just it. At each station, God is removing things from us so we will be more willing to die to self when the time comes. Paul said it best, "I no longer live, but Christ lives in me." (Galatians 2:20 KJV). So why the holding pattern? because it is necessary for where you are going.

You are Bound No More. 

Pastor Linda Hillman 
(c) 2014 Living Above Hurt Ministries 

Monday, September 8, 2014

You are invited to Join Us

On September 3rd, I started hosting Bible Studies in the city of San Francisco. It all started at the tender age of 14 when God told me that I would Pastor. He told me that people were waiting for me to begin to speak and he would lead those he assigned to me. For years I ran from the call on my life because I felt unworthy of such a great responsibility in the Church.

However, in my running away I was really running to my call. Here's how that works. Even though I was not ready to Pastor. I learned how to study God word. I learned how to hear his Voice. I learned how to teach others to depend on God. I learned how to pray and fast. I learned that sanctification was a process and though I was not always the best person I could be, God was still in control. I learned how to love God's people.

I began learning from Older and more seasoned ministers how to rightly divide the word of truth and to entreat God's people. I took classes in Ministry and counseling. NO, I was not trying to accept my call to Pastor but God had me on a journey that would lead me to his divine will for my life.

I have gone through so much pain and suffering in my life but I understand now that it has all catapulted me into the woman of God I am now. It has helped to define the ministry that would flow through me. It has helped to make me more sensitive to others that may be experiencing the same hurt and know how to effectively minister to them to help healing and restoration begin.

After years of trying not to do what God called me to do, I am right in the the middle of his will for my life. I am ready to experience what God has for me and watch as he does exactly what he said he would do. On Sept 3rd a pressure that was on my chest lifted as I sat and taught my first Bible Study. Sometimes we don't even know that we are experiencing half of what God intended until we experience the whole of the matter.

New Life Ministries is God ordained and will become what God says it will be. I hope that if you are in the city of San Francisco, CA or know someone in the city, and you or someone you know is looking for a church that you will stop by on September 24th and join us for Bible Study.

New Life Ministries
Bible Study - Wednesdays 6:30 PM

We meet at IT Bookman Community Center 446 Randolph Street, San Francisco, CA.

You are Bound No More.

Pastor Linda Hillman
(c) 2014 Living Above Hurt Ministries
 (415) 754-3365

Monday, September 1, 2014

Keep Praying, It's On Its Way!

Thank God Elijah was “a human being, even as we are” [James 5:17]! He sat under a tree, complained to God and expressed his unbelief—just as we have often done. Yet this was not the case at all when he was truly in touch with God. “Elijah was a human being, even as we are,” yet “he prayed earnestly.” The literal meaning of this in the Greek is magnificent: Instead of saying, “earnestly,” it says, “He prayed in prayer.” In other words, “He kept on praying.” The lesson here is that you must keep praying.
… After Elijah had called down fire from heaven to defeat the prophets of Baal, rain was needed for God’s prophecy to be fulfilled … We are told, “Elijah … bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees” (1 Kings 18:42), shutting out all sights and sounds. He put himself in a position, beneath his robe, to neither see nor hear what was happening.
Elijah then said to his servant, “Go and look toward the sea” (1 Kings 18:43). Upon returning, the servant replied, “There is nothing there” … Can you imagine what we would do under the same circumstances? … But did Elijah give up? No. In fact, six times he told his servant, “Go back.” Each time the servant returned saying, “Nothing!”
Yet “the seventh time the servant reported, ‘A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea’” (1 Kings 18:44) … And the rains came … fast and furiously … Yes, in spite of utterly hopeless reports received from sight, this is a story of faith that continues “praying in prayer.”
Do you know how to pray in that way—how to prevail in prayer? Let your sight bring you reports as discouraging as possible, but pay no attention to them. Our heavenly Father lives, and even the delays of answers to our prayers are part of his goodness.

You are Bound No More. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Can You Get Passed The Circumstances?

We must keep our eyes on Jesus, who leads us and makes our faith complete. - Hebrews 12:2
Peter was a really unique man. He was the boldest of all the disciples. He said things that other people only thought. He was the type of person who did things that other people didn’t have the nerve to do. Peter was completely drawn to Jesus. Peter wanted to follow Jesus with his whole heart. But, many times he made mistakes. Does this sound like anyone you know? Maybe you are not as Bold as Peter but you still want to follow him and are drawn to him like Peter. Maybe, you are afraid like Peter was after denying Christ that there is no forgiveness for you. I am a living witness that Jesus can and will forgive you.

The above scripture in Hebrews is the key. We must keep our eyes on Christ. Only in him can we find perfection. He is the only one that can cause our circumstances, issues, problems and past hurt, habits and hangups to become null and void. Does that make you breathe easier? It should. You don't have to do it in your own strength.

I am reminded when I read "We must keep our eyes on Jesus" about the testimony in the Bible of how Peter walked on the water. No one can walk on the water, don't believe me, well try it and see how successful you are. Yet and still, we will say when someone has excelled at something in life, "it's like they can walk on water". Peter was an imperfect man, who put his trust in a perfect man and was able to accomplish something no one else has repeated since him. 

Trust is all it took. Setting aside all the thing that told him he couldn't accomplish it, to believe the one who said he could. take a moment to think about it.

Does your current situation seem impossible? Do you feel you will never get over that hurt, that habit, or that tragic event? Do you let others define you by your past? Do you wish you could move passed it but you are afraid what might happen if you take that first step?

I encourage you today to take a breath and put your eyes on Jesus. Keep them there and step forward. Let the spirit of God lead you. You salvation is only steps away from you. Don't be afraid and let your emotions get the better of you. You may just do the remarkable!

You are Bound No More. 

Pastor Linda Hillman 
(c) 2014 Living Above Hurt Ministries 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Coming Soon! Will You Be Made Whole

Will You Be Made Whole

As Jesus traveled around throughout the country teaching and working miracles a woman with an issue of blood touched His robe.

Facts About Her:

·She was “diseased with an issue of blood twelve years” (Matt. 9:20).She had “suffered many things of many physicians” and had spent “all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse.” (Mark 5: 26);

· She had heard of Jesus and when she saw He was near she joined in the throng of people following Him as He made His way to Jarius’ house. She said within herself, “If I may but touch his garment, I shall be whole.” (Matt. 9: 21);

· She came behind Him and touched the hem of His garment (Matt 9:20). As soon as she touched Him “the fountain of her blood was dried up” and she “felt in her body that she was healed of that plague” (Mark 5: 29);

· As soon as she touched Him Christ "immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him” (Mark 5:30) stopped and asked “Who touched me?” Everyone around Him denied it and Peter asked him “Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee and sayest thou, Who touched me?” (Luke 8: 45).

· When the woman saw that she was unable to hide from the Lord she “came trembling and falling down before him, she declared unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately.” (Luke 8: 47)

· Christ looked on her and told her, “Daughter be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.” (Luke 8:48)

Speculations About Her:
Under the Mosaic law a woman with an issue of blood (referring to menstrual orpostpartum bleeding) was considered unclean and was “put apart” for 7 days. During this time anything she lay on or sat on was considered “unclean” meaning that if anyone touched one of those things he would have to wash his clothes and bathe in water to become clean again. Also during this time if any man was sexually intimate with her he was also unclean for 7 days and must adhere to the same sort of “setting apart” as a woman (and actually the guidelines for a man who has an issue of blood, or who was unclean were more strict than for women, see Leviticus 15:1-30).

The Mosaic Law also specified that if a woman had an issue of blood that lasted longer than 7 days that all the days of her issue were considered unclean and she must be treated as such (Leviticus 15: 25). This means that this woman had probably been unclean for 12 years and that she had to live “put apart” from others for all that time. If she had been married her husband probably would have divorced her as she would have been unable to care for her children or for others without making them all unclean. Her unclean status would also have meant that she was probably unable to attend the temple or other worship services.

I did a quick Google search for information about “prolonged menstruation” and I discovered that today this woman probably would have been diagnoses with menorrhagia, which is abnormally heavy and long menstruation that causes enough cramping and blood loss that it makes normal daily activities impossible. The scriptures are right in calling it a “hemorrhage” because the amount of blood lost is significant—enough to fill a maxi pad at least every hour for several weeks (not to mention 12 years!).

According to the Mayo Clinic common causes of menorrhagia are:

  • Uterine fibroids, non-cancerous growths of the uterus wall
  • Endometrial hyperplasia, a thickened endometrium
  • A bleeding disorder, like von Willebrand disease
  • Problems with clotting
  • Thyroid functioning
  • Glandular issues
  • Infection
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Uterine polyps
  • Cancer
In the scriptures it say that the woman spent all of her living upon physicians who could not help her. Today physicians are usually able to treat or control menorrhagia with hormone pills but in severe cases hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) and endometrial ablation or resection (which permanently destroys the entire lining of the uterus) are used to treat it. It is incredible that Jesus was able to heal this woman with only a touch.

In our lives we have issues, maybe it’s a physical disease but a dis-ease nonetheless. This story goes to show that no matter what we are going through in life, we can be made whole.