Friday, February 13, 2015

Meet The Musical Guests of Turning Your Past Into Purpose Retreat Cruise 2016: Minister Melissa Erha

Melissa Erha
Rev. Melissa Erha is an international evangelist and psalmist, who has been anointed by God to shift atmospheres and break down racial, gender and age barriers in the church around the world.  Her desire to minister to people through the Word and song came at the early age of 4. The call of God was evident in her life as she stood in front of her Sunday School class and declared to the generation before her that she was going to travel to the mission fields to preach the gospel.  By the time she reached 12 years old, her words came to pass as she went on her first mission trip to Peru, South America.  Then, at the age of 13, she preached her first sermon at an International Pastors Conference in Zambia, Africa.

Since then, her God-given assignment has opened the doors for her to minister around the world at various events, pastors and leaders conferences, youth revivals and campmeetings.  With a heart full of compassion, she has also done extensive mission work for the last 17 years.  At age 23 she married the love of her life, Minister Kenneth Erha, with whom she often travels in ministry.

Armed with the word of God and anointed by the Holy Ghost, Rev. Erha is passionate about reaching this generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ! She believes that worship is a lifestyle that only comes through a relationship with God and her desire is for all of God's people to experience that lifestyle.

Currently, she is working on the production of her first album!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Meet The Session Speakers of Turning Your Past Into Purpose Retreat Cruise 2016: Apostle Ezreaonne Jackson

Retired from being a Senior Pastor and refocused to oversee her Spiritual daughter’s pastoral mandate,  Dr. Ezreaonne Jackson embraces a new chapter in her life.  Her endeavors  are to further her education to include Marketing and Media, serve her community, utilize life coaching skills, embark on International ministry and expand her literary expressions.  
Dr. Ezreaonne Jackson’s message is one that is precise in the strategy of developing and defining vision and purpose. The dynamics of the development of the Sons of God into a phenomenal and prestigious destiny has equipped her with mentorship skills that can be embraced in seminars. conferences, and special church services. Her apostolic commission is evident as lives are changed and kingdom territory lost is regained.  Her repertoire of references range from Pastor Christine Liddell of Antioch California, to Pastor Shirley Caesar of Raleigh, North Carolina, and as far as Jamaica, West Indies with Bishop Everton Thomas.
Dr. Ezreaonne Jackson is also a published author with two books to her credit,  “The Perils of Ministry”,  “The Secrets Mandate of Rahab” Read the story of this “Bad Girl” turned good; from prostitution to prophecy!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Meet The Musical Guests of Turning Your Past Into Purpose Retreat Cruise 2016: The Lowes (Minister Ornicia Lowe)

Fulfilling Legacy, Ornicia Lowe is fulfilling her purpose; Ornicia Lowe received the calling to declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the Earth some years ago. Walking in the path that has been paved and prepared ahead of time. Ornicia Lowe brings a fresh new anointed sound to the world of gospel preaching and gospel music. She is one of the Bay Areas own Contemporary Gospel Recording Artist. Her soulful sound and God given talent is unmatched. From a child she has blessed others with her gift of song. Being brought up in a family with Strong Christian values, She has always had a desire to be used by the Lord in whatever capacity that would fulfill the calling on her life. In 1999,
Ornicia Lowe was called to minister in power of the word of the living God, to declare His name to the ends of the earth and present the life changing gospel in simplicity and demonstration. She has served in various areas of ministry locally and abroad. As relates to her music ministry, In 2003 She traveled to Atlanta, Ga. to compete in "Gospel Dream." She has recorded with local artist such as Thomas McCree of Tomcat Productions and Roland Pollard along with others. Ornicia teamed up with husband and gifted Musician, producer and Ceo of Antlow Muzic and Film, Anthony " Antlow" Lowe, to bring us her album entitled "Way Home" released Aug.2010. And her more resent releases "Soar", "The Blood", "It Was Your Love." She has sang with various groups. She is a former member and Lead Vocalist of the Bay Area's own Urban Gospel group, "3rd Heaven." Ornicia is a faithful member of New Birth Church in Pittsburg, Ca.
under the Anointed leadership of Bishop Christopher C. Smith. There she serves as a leader in Praise and Worship and various areas of ministry. Whether street evangelism, prison ministry, pulpit preaching, or ministry in song Ornicia Lowe has a desire to serve. All in the pursuit of fulfilling her God given purpose, All to see-Lives Changed, Bodies Healed and Souls Saved. 

"As I look at what God has brought me through and His grace and mercy towards me, I am overwhelmed...To know that a God, who is so big saw fit to call me out...To know He predestined me for such a time as this is beyond words..Praise God!!!" - Ornicia

Jeremiah 29:11- " For I know the plans I have for you," declared the Lord, " Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, Plans to give you a hope and a future."

On this video, you are listening to Minister Ornicia Lowe. Enjoy!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Meet The Session Speaker of Turning Your Past Into Purpose Retreat Cruise 2016: Evangelist Robin 'Favor' Mason

Robin Mason is a gifted teacher, workshop and seminar leader , evangelist and powerful prayer leader. Robin is a mother of 5 children and is the wife to Elder Gerald Mason.

Robin has a passion and heart for GOD and His Will........she has zeal to see "Thy Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven" her zeal for GOD and HIS WILL birthed Tap Into Favor INC. an organization that is geared towards going beyond the Veil and Tapping Into the Heart of GOD through prayer and the renewing of the mind.

Tap Into Favor is a non-profit organization that supports broken women through counseling, workshops and modification principles.Robin currently holds a Masters in Marriage and Family (MFT) counseling and has a behavioral health business. Her goal is to establish counseling services for the low-income and to the uninsured. Robin's heart's desire is to help women, men and families come out of the ordinary to extraordinary by Tapping Into the Favor of GOD, using Godly principles to heal the heart and soul of man!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Meet The Session Speaker of Turning Your Past Into Purpose Retreat Cruise 2016: Evangelist Kelsi Marie Arceneaux

She can be described as a unique individual whose primary focus and goal in life is to be a vessel, set aside for the Master’s use. One aspect of her personality that has kept her rooted and very close to ministry is her “all or nothing” perspective of commitment. She commits to something with everything she has to offer or she does not commit at all.

It was during Kelsi’s college years that she began to contemplate her “life plan” and consider what things she would spend her time, energy, talents and gifts trying to cultivate. She realized that the thought of the career path she had chosen, caused her to feel a great sense of hopelessness. Kelsi became overwhelmed with the thought and feeling that something was missing and knew there had to be something more defining, fulfilling and reflective of a deeper thirst that she was created to do. She began to pray for guidance and soon realized that within her was a yearning and burning for ministry.

Currently, Kelsi’s ministry consists of preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, radio broadcasting, blogging and the recent publishing of her first book, “Clarity Is Divine”.

Kelsi’s mantra is: “If God can take empty space and form a world-if He can create man from the dust, then surely He can do something with me, a vessel yielded and broken, whose only confidence is that God is All that His word says He is, will do all that He says He will do and knew ME before the foundation of the world!!!! Glory Be to GOD”  

Friday, February 6, 2015

Meet The Session Speaker of Turning Your Past Into Purpose Retreat Cruise 2016: Lady Elder Bessie Sims

Lady Elder Bessie Sims is a multi-talented teacher, speaker, life coach and contributing writer. Her voice and prophetic anointing are used by God to blow the trumpet to end-time believers so they may hear the clarion call of God across the nation.  Anointed with a true apostolic and prophetic call her desire is to leave an imprint on every life she comes in contact with by encouraging them to come into the knowledge of the power that worketh in them to do exceeding, abundantly above all they can ask or think. 

Her mandate from the Lord is to travel the breadth of this country to preach, teach, motivate and build the Body of Christ with revelation, prophetic insight, wisdom, knowledge and help the people of God to return to their first love through prayer and true worship. God's powerful fivefold anointing is evidence as she ministers the word with power and authority.  Restoration, deliverance and miracles are signs of the power of God in her ministry.

Be in expectation of a move of Spirit through the dunamis power of God that flows in this prophetic ministry that will revive the power that worketh in you.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Meet The Keynote Speakers of Turning Your Past Into Purpose Retreat Cruise 2016: Evangelist Rein Johnson

Heireina Patrei Johnson, affectionately known as “Rein” or “Lady Rein” in art, ministry, and authorship, was born and raised in San Francisco, CA to Elder Huey P Johnson and Evangelist Yuvetta Pryor. Her father, prior to his passing, prophesied over her in the womb indicating that she would be a dynamic and anointed woman of God carrying on his legacy of high profile ministry and profound commitment to the cause of Christ, and that she would be used to bring deliverance and healing to the nations.

Rein was saved, anointed, and called to preach at the tender age of seven-- a ministry prodigy often astounding those who heard her preach with her keen insight, revelation, and theological reflections on the word. Her ministry was developed in the Church of God in Christ, where she held many positions in ministry respectively, including: youth and young adult leader and minister, praise and worship leader, preacher, children’s ministries leader, Sunday school and Bible study teacher, church administrator, drama ministries coordinator, praise dance ministries leader, etc.

Called to pursue advancement in ministry, Rein was later licensed as a minister in the A.M.E church prior to a call to leaving it to support her pastor in launching a non-denominational ministry geared toward reaching the marginalized and oppressed. It was there that she continued her work in the ministry serving as a clergy member, minister of music, and youth and children’s leader while launching out as an independent and highly sought after inspirational artist. Her ministry in the music has enabled her to minister alongside gospel greats and has afforded her numerous accolades throughout the bay area and beyond.

While Rein grew up fully committed to ministry in every aspect, her young life outside of the church was a devastating one that included early prostitution by her grandmother, molestation, rape, abortion, and later divorce and domestic violence. Her passion increased for the people of God, especially for those with past traumatic and abusive experiences who needed support and ministry to their deeper needs and weren’t being ministered to in the church. Fully persuaded that she could be used to minister to the hurting, marginalized, and oppressed, she began to seek God for the role that she could play in encouraging and promoting healing and transformation. In 2010, God ushered her off of a lucrative job as a Human Resources Executive and Chief Administrator and compelled her to chronicle her life’s journey toward transformation in her book, “I Am Not Garbage.” From there, God has opened numerous doors for her and established several partnerships that allow her to minister the gospel of transformation and the Word in general to multiple youth and women’s organizations, social clubs, schools, and churches.

Today, Rein spends her time in servitude to Christ through full time ministry. She is a dynamic praise and worship leader and psalmist, an author, a certified youth, family, and parent coach, and a highly sought after motivational speaker and preacher who is committed to leading others in the direction of wholeness, transformation, and freedom through the work of her organization HeReinz Ministries LLC—an organization founded on the Christian principles of hope and unrelenting trust in God, who by His power and love has the ability to transform us all-- one thought, one memory, one moment, and one day at a time.
Rein reaches many through transparent testimony in combination with Christian theology through speaking engagements, classes, webinars, music, devotionals, books, social and other media as a means of drawing others into their complete wholeness and transformation—teaching principles of living healthy and wholesome lives free from the pain of the past.

She is also the proud mother of three beautiful boys, Paris, Pierre, and Caleb-Lyric.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Meet The Keynote Speakers of Turning Your Past Into Purpose Retreat Cruise 2016: Prophetess LaTonya Powers

Prophetess, Dr. LaTonya Powers is a woman whom God has graced and gifted with many anointings and she moves in them fluently with excellence.  She is the Founder and Pastor of Warriors for Christ Global Outreach Ministries in Austell, Georgia and The Life Center of New Orleans in Gretna, Louisiana.  Prophetess Powers has endured and overcome many struggles, trials, and tribulations at a young age and has experienced and witnessed the power and blessings of God in her personal life.  She is a native of Mobile, Alabama and began preaching at the young age of 16. 

Prophetess Powers is a nationally sought after preacher, lecturer and advisor that is recognized as an intercessor, innovator, organizer, visionary and 21st Century prophetess with superior and uncommon leadership qualities. She is known for her wit and sense of humor; yet noted for her powerful preaching and teaching the Word of God. The ministry is also noted for spiritual gifts in the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, faith and healing. This woman of God has a compassionate love for people and endeavors to bring fresh illumination to the deeper business, financial and Biblical truths that point the way to a better life in the Spirit so that it enhances the kingdom of God on earth. This is evidenced in her loyal attention to the daily activities and services of the congregation, as well as the pervasive impact of the church on community development initiatives such as homelessness, senior citizen and youth empowerment, cultural awareness and ecumenical outreach. 

Prophetess Powers ministers effectively to the heart of God’s people with power, truth and grace. A “pastor’s pastor”, her unique gifting transcends denominational, cultural, ethnical and generational boundaries. Not only is Prophetess Powers a gifted orator, strategist and entrepreneur, but she is a singer-songwriter and has participated in projects as a studio lead and background vocalist on live recording projects with artists such as Angie Stone. On July 17, 2014, Dr. Powers will release her first book which is available for preorders NOW, entitled "Spiritual DETOX" it is a seven-week guide to breakthrough for the soul.... Her love for Jesus Christ and the people of God have led her to speak and preach in churches, seminars and conferences throughout the country to include: Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) “Praise the Lord” program, Atlanta Live and The 2014 Atlanta's Epic Women's Event. Her ministry accomplishments have been highlighted in several publications including Charisma and Sister Keeper’s magazines. 

Prophetess Powers fervently believes that her mission is to “Rebuild the Broken – One Soul at a Time”, firmly stands on the word of God and is a living testament that God can make “a diamond in the rough”. She received her Doctorate in 2005 and is an alumnus of Bethel Bible Institute. She is a committed mother of three sons, resides in the state of Georgia and hails from a generation of pastors, prophets and bishops in her family lineage.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Meet The Keynote Speakers of Turning Your Past Into Purpose Retreat Cruise 2016: Prophetess Kelly Crews

Prophetess Kelly Crews is the CEO and founder of Kelly Crews Ministries (KCM). The vision and passion of this ministry is to proclaim the saving, healing and delivering power of Jesus Christ worldwide. KCM empowers people globally to walk fully and freely in God’s purpose for their lives. God has truly anointed and appointed Prophetess Crews to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ with grace and love, dividing asunder the spirits of mediocrity and complacency in order for people to experience the extraordinary manifestation of God’s glory. She truly walks in an Isaiah 61 anointing, “to bind up the broken-hearted and set the captives free.”
Kelly Crews Ministries was birthed in 2003. She knew she was given a great mandate to boldly speak the Word of the Lord and it could not be ignored. Kelly has had to overcome devastating adversity in her life from the time she was a child, but never let the challenges obstruct God’s calling. Through this ministry, God allows her to travel all over the world preaching, teaching, singing and prophesying the Word of the Lord. Prophetess Kelly has authored and published four books, You’re Priceless, I Thought He Really Liked/Loved Me! What Happened?, The Designer’s Original” Foreword by Dr. Jamal H. Bryant and her latest release, Maximize Your Life. Some words to describe the ministry of Prophetess Kelly would be impacting, dynamic, radical, life-transforming, challenging, power-packed, revelatory, relational and real. God uses her voice as an instrument to shift atmospheres and bring change to people, houses and regions.

She has served in leadership for many years in the Cleveland and Akron, Ohio area. Prophetess Kelly says that she has taken all the limits off of God. As she is continually giving God glory, the sentiments of her heart are simply this: “Lord, please don’t ever take your Spirit from me, for I am nothing without you. She has committed her life to glorifying God by going wherever she goes. Accordingly, her personal life and ministry truly exemplifies the saying, “Lord, I’m available to you!” She is the proud mother of two beautiful children, Jordan and Makayla, who are her pride and joy.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Meet The Host of Turning Your Past Into Purpose Retreat Cruise 2016: Pastor Linda Hillman

Linda A. Hillman is a faithful servant of the LORD.  Her credentials reads like a Who’s Who in the Bible—she’s been through the school of very hard knocks and has survived and thrived because of her trust in the LORD and her saturation and application of His Word.  Adversity has to take a back seat to Linda because, in her own words, “God can and will do, I am a living witness.”

As a ministry leader, Ms. Hillman’s resume includes but is not all inclusive:

*Founder and President of W.H.O.L.E. Ministries
*Founder and President of Living Above Hurt Ministries
*CEO/Master Coach of Destined 2 B U Empowerment Group
*Currently an Elder and Single Adult Pastor on the Pastoral Staff of Victory in Praise Church, located in Stockton, CA
*Hosts a weekly small group in her home
*Has implemented cell groups in different ministries
*Has worked in home mission churches for 5 years

Three other areas that make up her ministry niches are Evangelism, Christian Education and Music.  Her work as an evangelist is a tribute to her determination to serve God’s children.  She sings and preaches wherever the LORD sends her—she’s even travelled Europe, helping to save the lost and lift up the saved.  As an educator, under the direction of Bishop Rufus K. Turner, Ms. Hillman assists in the development of VIP Bible Institute.  But it’s her music that has brought her to the attention of Christian music lovers with her appearance in the McDonald GospelFest two years in a row. 

As in her favorite worship song, Welcome into This Place, Linda welcomes the call God has placed on her life to minister to His hurting people.  God has trusted Linda to establish His work in the world and she continues to “study and show herself approved” by pursuing a Master of Divinity in Theology.  Linda Hillman is certainly an exemplary example of loving, dedicated servanthood…and the world is a much better place because of the Spirit of God in her.