Friday, January 30, 2015

Forgiveness is the Key to Moving Forward

Do you really forgive?

Many times we say that we forgive those that hurt us but when they enter a room or their name is spoken in our presence, we feel a certain type of way. We roll our eyes or we are careful not to speak against them but we deny them anything good. We may even hang around them but they are on a tight rope. Is this really forgiveness?
Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim undergoes a change in feelings and attitude regarding an offense, lets go of negative emotions such as vengefulness, with an increased ability to wish the offender well.
Now we tend to forgive with conditions, but real forgiveness is just the opposite. It does not release the offense and make it of non-importance but it takes the sting out of it, so you can move forward with your life. It frees you. It does not say that person did nothing or you accept what they did. It's still wrong and they do still need to correct any offense, however IF they never correct it, your forgiveness sets you in a place of reward and blessing. Forgiveness does not just happen over a period of time. It is something we have to intentionally do. We must choose to forgive.

Forgiveness allows us to continue to receive forgiveness from God. I don't know about you but that is the most important thing. I know that I need god to forgive me for my wrong doing and how can I allow my own unforgiveness stand in the way of receiving God's forgiveness.

We sometimes wonder why we are not able to heal from hurts, habits and hangups...I say to you today, check your forgiveness bag. Is it empty because you have used it to forgive or is it full because you have withheld your forgiveness of others? Then check your answered prayers bag. Is it full because you are operating in god's forgiveness or is it empty because God has not forgiven you? Something to think about. 

Let me leave you with this... God can not and WILL not bless mess. Sin separates us from God. So if we have not been forgiven by God, is our relationship with Him in jeopardy? Can we walk in obedience if God has not forgiven us? Can we be blessed if God removes His grace and mercy?

Why not truly forgive so we can be forgiven.

You are Bound No More. 

Pastor Linda Hillman 
(c) 2014 Living Above Hurt Ministries

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