Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Start Strong! Finish Strong! New Free Ebook

Get you copy of a book I wrote to help you finish 2015 with a bang and start 2016 with an even greater bang!

Here is an excerpt:

This mindset causes you to believe that you never have enough, nor are you enough. It does not matter what you accomplish in life or how much money you have in the bank. Your focus is always on the things you don’t have, what someone else may have that you don’t. You become fixated on that next Shiny Object but it always seem to be just outside of your reach. You spend so much time and energy on what’s missing in your life, you cannot enjoy what has shown up that is really great and amazing.

If allowed this mindset will create an obsession to accumulate stuff that fills your life with empty happiness. Thus you are never fulfilled and you want more of the things you think you need. Scarcity thing is a breeding ground for fear.  You begin to imagine loss, rejection, poverty and thus you begin to hoard physically and emotionally.  You then begin to fear being alone and lonely. However, the oxymoron of this all is the more you hang on to stuff and hoard your emotions and speak your fears, they become your reality. Again I say it’s a vicious cycle, a double edged sword: the more you get, the more you want. Scarcity thinking become a habit that you want to break but it is now controlling you and it is your go to comfort zone.

Whenever something brings your fears to forefront and threatens your security, here comes that scarcity mindset, your ole faithful and reliable loop that never fulfills you but seems to drive you.The only way to break this cycle is to be truly grateful for what you have now. Gratitude opens the door for that greedy hoarding habit to be removed. You begin to see that what you have is good enough, you are good enough and surprisingly you attract more without the obsession to acquire more. You stop taking people and things in your life for granted. You appreciate everything. So let’s do a quick exercise. Take a deep breath. Now say, I am grateful for the air that filled my lungs. Do you fill the satisfaction of the moment? Now take a sip of water and do the same.  Powerful stuff right? Did you noticed how in that moment you could not be fearful?

You can replace that scarcity mindset that stems from fear with gratitude. Let me drop a bit more wisdom here, if I may, most of the cause of the issues in your life is because we fail to be grateful for what we have and appreciate just being! In every situation that you find yourself in no matter how dire, look for the opportunity to be grateful in that moment. Find something that motivates you to achieve to move forward and express how grateful you are because it showed up in your life at the right moment.  You will see how the things that don’t matter fade away in the distance and the things you don’t need just don’t matter at all.
Other thing to remember is that the people in our lives are the best gifts to us. So appreciate them. In doing so, you will release fear of loss, rejection and loneliness from your presence. Let me just go church for one second, Perfect love casts out all fear.  So stop focusing on the people that have hurt you and caused stress in your life. Give your energy and time to those who love you and you love. This will strengthen your resolve to control how fear shows up in your life.

Now let me flip the coin. You should still be grateful for those that have cause suffering in your life. Forgiveness is key. Forgive the person, not the act. Release this person from all resentment and harboring grudges. These are most effective at causing us to destroy the good vibes that come from being love and giving love. Theses emotions rob us of all happiness and invites fear to once again to bring that scarcity mindset back with revenge.

Have you ever been in a room with people you love and respect, then that one comes in and your whole mood changes? You have gone from having a great time to now sitting and brooding over something they did. As you sit there, wishing for some awful outcome to overtake them…they are laughing and having a great time. Now you resent them even more. Do not lose another moment in your life allowing resentment, bitterness and grudges to change the temperature of your life. Here’s something you can do today to take back your control. Ready? Do something nice for someone you do not like. Buy a card, give flowers, bake a cake or just make a phone call or send an email. Don’t mention what they did, actually act like all is well. I can guarantee you that the reaction will warm your heart. Once this is done, check your own feelings. Do you still feel the animosity, contempt or resentment towards them? I challenge you to do it today and then email me about what occurred in your own heart and mind.

Get your free copy while supplies last. March 1, 2016. It will be launched on Amazon as an ebook

You are Bound No More. 

Pastor Linda Hillman 
(c) 2015 LAH Ministries International 

Get Your Copy Now 

Will You Be Made Whole 
In The Meantime

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